There are 11 species of cockroaches that can be found in Malaysian structures and buildings, but only eight of them are capable of establishing an infestation in the premises (i.e American cockroach Periplaneta Americana, Brown-banded cockroach Supella longipalpa, German cockroach Blatella germanica, Brown cockroach Periplaneta brunea, Lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea. The other three species are likely introduced into the buildings due to the attraction to light at night (i.e Surinam cockroach [Pycnoscelus surinamensis], Field cockroach [Blatella vaga] and Lupparia sp.)

Depending on the species, adult cockroaches measure between 2-80 mm in length. Their bodies are usually flattened dorsoventrally, and body colour ranged from tan to light brown, while some are strikingly colourful. As with any other insects, cockroach had three body parts; head, thorax, and abdomen. (Except to Harlequin cockroach which does not have any wings)

Female cockroaches do not lay eggs one at a time, but produce small egg cases called ootheca; each case containing 6-48 eggs (depending on species). Cockroaches undergo incomplete metamorphosis.

Although adults differ from nymph in having wings, in some species, wings are reduced or absent. Most common cockroach pests are weak fliers. Adults and nymphs live in groups and usually forage out from their hiding place to feed. They are usually active during the night and hide during days in crack and crevices in walls, doorframes, furniture, cupboards, bathrooms, kitchen etc. cockroaches move freely from building to building, and from drains and sewers and toilets to human habitats.

Lifecycle of cockroach


Although adults differ from nymph in having wings, in some species, wings are reduced or absent. Most common cockroach pests are weak fliers. Adults and nymphs live in groups and usually forage out from their hiding place to feed. They are usually active during night and hide during days in crack and crevices in walls, doorfames, furniture, cupboards, bathrooms, kitchen etc. cockroaches move freely from building to building, and from drains and sewers and toilets to human habitants